Welcome to the Jammin Community

Welcome to our "Gospel Musicians Collective", where we come together in harmony to celebrate our shared love for music and fellowship. As Psalm 150:4 reminds us, "Praise him with the tambourine and dancing; praise him with strings and flutes"

Our “community” jamming sessions serve as more than just musical gatherings; they're spaces for us to reconnect with old friends and forge new bonds. Through the power of music, we aim to inspire and uplift one another, creating a platform for learning and growth.

As stewards of the divine gift of music, we understand its significance in God's plan. As Musicians and Worship Leaders, we carry the responsibility to honor God with excellence in all we do.

Our prayer is that every Jam Session is infused with newfound musical knowledge and spiritual empowerment, propelling us ever closer to excellence in our craft. Together, let's continue to glorify God through the beautiful gift of music.

Come join our musical journey

Whether you’re just starting out and learning as you go, or been around the block musically, we welcome you to join us, play or spectate, meet new people and connect.

Get involved, share your knowledge, experiences and gear preferences with like minded musicians.

Check out our Jammin Events, secure your place, join the community create and play music together, develope and learn from each other.

Hit “Register” and we’ll send you details.

Drums, Production, Keys, Guitar, Bass, Brass… Or even if you feel your the guy or gal with the Horses head and a wash tub to beat…come along